
You’re frustrated with the state of your living space. You feel like you’re taking your life day by day and can’t get your life under control. No matter how hard you try, you can’t find peace. Something’s missing — your social media feeds are filled with inspirational photos of clean lines, happy people enjoying calmness, nature, empty spaces. Your life still looks nothing like these idealistic images you’ve saved for reference. What are you doing wrong? How could you possibly turn your life into something beautiful?

Or maybe you know exactly what you’re going for and have no idea where to start. Your home is stressful, disorganized, filled with things that don’t offer you happy memories or provide usefulness in your life. You feel overwhelmed — and something is still missing.

Welcome to The Simple Buzz, a lifestyle blog featuring content to inspire your journey to a simple life. My name is MJ and this is my creative space to share my ideas, realizations, and my own personal (never-ending) journey into simple living. I hope you find my notes helpful in your own journey.

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